Micromilk Brevibacterium Linens, washed rind bacteria
(Attention: the best before date for this culture can be shorter, precise during the order)
Washed rind bacteria Brevibacterium Linens, or smear-ripened.
Concentrated, lyophilized red-smear bacteria, which are used to make cheeses such as Limburg cheese (Limburger), Raclette cheese, etc.Composed of a pure strain of:
Brevibacterium Linens
Before use: take the culture from the freezer and place it in a fridge (+5C) for at least 2 hours before use (or store cultures in a coolest place in a fridge). Use a sanitizing agent to sanitize both the upper side of the packet and the tool used to open it. Sanitize your hands as well.
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1 review
Tiina T., 24 Aug, 2023
Hyvä lisä moneen juustoon.
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