Cheese press from the oak wood - INPreseOZ
This cheese press is intended for home use and is not intended for commercial cheese production. Cheese molds are not included!
- Cheesemaking: The press is designed for making various sizes of cheese at home.
- Modular Construction: The press is constructed as a modular system for maximum compactness and easy storage. Each element can be disassembled and reassembled individually, and additional bars can be added to increase the press height and adapt it to larger cheeses.
Suitable cheese mold sizes:
Compact construction:
- Mold height: 130 mm
- Mold width (diameter): 225 mm
Construction with additional bars included in the kit:
- Mold height: 275 mm
- Mold width (diameter): 225 mm
Materials: linseed oil-treated oak, galvanized steel.
Manufacturer: SIA “Ingredienti”
INPreseOZ - Chese press technical documentation.pdf
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